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Review: test your software!


Revisemos los conceptos aprendidos hasta el momento en las últimas clases.

Concept Definition
Black-box Testing It’s the kind of testing done by Users, focusing on functionality
Gray-box Testing t’s the kind of testing done by Testers, probably looking at the data, security risks, and auditing.
White-box Testing Deep testing done by other developers, looking for inconsistencies in the Code
Continuous Integration (CI) Continuous Integration is a technique that guarantees the reduction in the impact of conflicts.
Test-Driven Development (TDD) TDD is all about writing tests before you start writing the code that will give the software its functionality, and will allow you to have solid, specific ideas about what your Software needs to do.
Make your code go from RED to GREEN The only goal you should have at this point is to get your tests to pass. That is, to go “GREEN”.Never Skip Tests!: People aren’t great at performing repetitive tasks carefully, but computers are. Always test your Code.

Lo más importante aquí es: ¡Nunca esquives las pruebas! Es muy fácil decirlo, lo sé. En la teoría, como desarrolladores o desarrolladoras de software, nos corresponde invertir un 20% de nuestro tiempo de desarrollo de pruebas. Habla con tu equipo y transmite la importante de generarlas de forma automatizada, esto les ahorrará varios dolores de cabeza.

Contribución creada por Kevin Fiorentino con aportes de Erwin Alan Frías Martínez.

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