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Functional and unit testing


Las pruebas de tu software son clave para tener confianza en su funcionamiento y asegurar calidad del mismo.

Pruebas funcionales

Como desarrollador de software, también eres responsable de las pruebas de tu aplicación. Más allá de tener un equipo que se encargue de eso, tú puedes aportar mucho con tus propias pruebas.

  • What things can go wrong in a development project?
  • Different problems will arise when working.
  • Sometimes even the best developer breaks the build.
  • There are a lot of good frameworks out there. It is a collection of tools that help you build tour tests.
  • Your tests need to guarantee your software’s optimal functionality. Always think about functional testing.
  • Remember, they only run your tests, they don’t build them for you.

Técnica #3 - Pruebas unitarias

Existen varios tipos de pruebas que tu mismo puedes implementar junto con tu equipo de trabajo.

  • Manual testing: A developer or group of developers that manually start testing the code’s functionality.
  • Automated testing: If you have a more complex piece of software, then it will be much better to perform automated testing.

Testing unitario

  • It is all about creating automatic tests for the smallest components of the code to test their business logic. That is going to be essential to the development and the effectiveness of your testing.
  • Unite testing ties in together with the continuous integration process many companies have, whenever new code is submitted to source control the software will test the build and email people to let them know there is a problem with their code.

Pruebas unitarias frente a pruebas del sistema

  • Things may work great in isolation, but when different components of the code interact or when users use the system, bugs can be overlooked.
  • System testing, hooking everything together and then treating it like a black box. It focuses on the overall functionality, making sure the system handles interactions well.

Técnica #4 - Deje que sus compañeros entiendan su código - ¡Documéntelo!

Documentar tu código puede ser una tarea odiosa, pero extremadamente importante para tus compañeros de trabajo y para el futuro del proyecto.

  • Have stand-up meetings to:
    • Inform your customers of any changes you have made to the code.
    • Document your changes.
    • Analyze them along with your peers.
    • Keep them informed of reasons.
  • It’s important you become an expert communicator, and standup meetings will be the place where you will require to shine.
  • Find ways to adapt your speech depending on your listeners.

Documenta tu código

  • Most problems in Software Development are related to Communication.
  • Any changes or tests you perform on your Code should be documented, especially when working with Version Control.
  • Remember to write good commit messages, especially when using Version Control, these messages should be descriptive so other developers can understand your changes.
  • You can also “tag” your code. A “tag” is a snapshot of your code at a certain time.
  • You can use tags to keep track of major progress in your software, like milestones, iterations, or changes in requirements.
  • Many issues can be solved by communicating effectively with your peers.

Escribir pruebas para tu código es la mejor documentación que puedes hacer. Sin embargo, no esquives la responsabilidad de comunicar y compartir el proyecto. Un consejo personal: documenta tu código en una tarde tranquila de trabajo, esucha música y anota las palabras que describen qué fue lo que hiciste y cómo funciona. Busca la manera de divertirte mientras lo haces.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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