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Creating deliverable design


Como desarrollador o desarrolladora de software, es tu responsabilidad el cuidado del mismo y entregar software de calidad.

Refactorizando tu diseño

Refactorizar es “volver en el tiempo”. Volver a ese código que escribiste tú, u otra persona, meses o años atrás y mejorarlo o actualizarlo.

  • Refactoring is the process of modifying the structure of your code, without modifying its behavior.
  • Refactoring is done to improve your code and your design.
  • Refactoring allows you to have cleaner, more readable code.
  • Clean up any duplication, ugliness, old code, etc.
  • Once you are done coding, go back and clean up your code for the future.

¿Por qué debería hacer esto?

This is very important for your future. It is not you’re doing it perhaps for other people, but you’re also doing it for yourself. Your reputation as a software developer is on the line here. If you have the ability to code a very clean nice code in the future, people are going to thank you for it-

You code it, you own it. - Carlos Arriaga

Qué es el SRP (Principio de responsabilidad única)

El principio de una sola responsabilidad es parte de los Principios SOLID que aplican a todo desarrollo de un software, en cualquier lenguaje de programación.

  • The idea of the SRP is that all of your classes, modules, and functions should have only one responsibility and one reason to change.
  • You have implemented the Single Responsibility Principle correctly when each of your objects has only one reason to change.

DRY (No te repitas)

Otro principio para desarrollar software de calidad es el conocido como “No te repitas”. No dupliques código que puede existir solo una vez.

  • DRY is about having each piece of information and behavior in your system in a specific, single place.
  • The DRY principle is aimed at reducing the repetition of information of all kinds.
  • Avoid repeating your code. Make it DRY.

Refactorizar tu código, el principio de responsabilidad única y no repetir tu código son tres valiosas técnicas para mejorar el diseño de tu software.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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