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Organizing your time into user stories and tasks


Puedes tener un proyecto muy claro en sus tareas y priorizado, pero la organización del tiempo y el esfuerzo a la hora de desarrollarlo depende de ti. Sigue estos consejos para garantizar un gran flujo de trabajo.

Divide las historias de usuario en tareas

“Divide y vencerás” - Julio Cesar 338 (a.C.)*

  • Breaking user stories into tasks adds confidence and accuracy to your estimates and your plan.
  • Tasks really add another level of detail specific to the actual coding you’ll do for a user story.

Utiliza estimaciones para realizar un seguimiento del proyecto de viaje

  • Track your project from inception to completion.
  • It’s often best to break out tasks from your user stories right at the beginning of the estimation process, if you have time.
  • This will add even more confidence to the plan that you give tour customers.
  • It’s always best to rely on the task estimates.
  • Tasks describe the actual software development work that needs to be done and are far less of a guesstimate than a coarse-grained user story estimate.

Actualiza tu Backlog

Mantener tu backlog actualizado es parte de la organización que debes buscar con tu equipo de trabajo.

  • “The Backlog is an ordered list of everything that is known to be needed in the product” (Scrum guide)
  • The Backlog is a prediction about the functionality in the next iteration.
  • Typically has four columns:
    • User Stories
    • To-Do / Pending
    • Doing / In-progress
    • Done
  • Your user stories must be moving continuously, indicating good velocity and effective work.
  • It is very important to keep the Backlog UPDATED, constant communication is essential. This can be done daily to avoid mistakes.

“Clara y constante comunicación es clave para el desarrollo de software efectivo- Podemos leer emails y mensajes de texto, pero no la mente de las personas.” - Carlos Arriaga

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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