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Welcome to this Course for Developers in English


Bienvenido o bienvenida al Curso de Inglés Avanzado para Developers. Aquí aprenderás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre desarrollo de software. Desde la aparición de la idea por parte del cliente, la planificación y el desarrollo del producto, las pruebas y el despliegue final en un entorno productivo.

3 fundamentos del desarrollo de software

El desarrollo de software consiste en crear grandes productos para hacer feliz a nuestros clientes y usuarios. Comencemos entendiendo tres conceptos básicos.

1. Inicio del cliente

  • It is the moment when your customer has an original idea and needs you to materialize it. Having a deadline and budget.
  • The customer needs software, it is your job to take steps to transform an intangible idea into working deliverable software.
  • Constant communication throughout this process with your client is “key”.

2. Historias de usuario

  • A user story is an individual task the software has to do, and obviously, you have to code it.
  • Before implementing the idea, think about the individual tasks (user stories) the software has to do.
  • Build the initial requirement, a group of actions the software has to perform.
  • Listen to your customer!

User stories are composed of individual tasks, that contain a title, a description, and a priority rating. The rating depends on your company or team, but here there is an example of priority tasks:

  • 25: Urgent.
  • 15 - 20: Important.
  • 6 - 12: Moderately important.
  • 1 - 5: Low priority.
Title Catalog creation
Description The website will show a catalog of all available bicycles.
Priority rating 25

3. Iteraciones

  • The repetition of a process; it’s a period after which you get together with the client and discuss your progress.
  • Every iteration will be a milestone or checkpoint. When you have significant progress made in your project.
  • Have an iteration once you have completed the user stories in the period (one month or 2 weeks).
  • Meet with the customer and discuss your progress and get feedback.
  • Show your customer your progress.
  • Constant communication and iterations it’s very important because they help you control your progress and make sure you’re following your customer’s instructions.
  • Iterations are recommendable because they allow you to make quick adjustments that will create great results. Every time you make significant progress, have an iteration with the customer.

El desarrollo de software posee etapas preestablecidas y recomendaciones que tienes que seguir para asegurar el éxito de un proyecto. La comunicación constante con tu cliente será lo que determine la calidad y el éxito del mismo, pues es más importante que las habilidades técnicas que tengas.

Practice your English with Curso de Inglés para Developers 🚀

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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