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How to use Ditransitive Verbs in Passive Voice


Una manera de expresar voz pasiva es utilizando Ditransitive Verbs. Reconocerás un verbo ditransitivo ya que estos toman dos objetos en la oración: un objeto indirecto y un objeto directo.

  • Sarah showed me the car.
    • Donde me y the car son los objetos de la oración.
  • Ana gave her a cup of tea.
    • Donde her y cup of tea son los objetos de la oración.
  • Cesar told them a story.
    • Donde them y a story son los objetos de la oración.

Fíjate ahora en las mismas oraciones pero utilizando voz pasiva:

  • I was shown the car by Sarah.
  • She was gave a cup of tea by Ana.
  • They were told a story by Cesar.

Verbos ditransitivos más comunes

Buy, Make, Give, Grant, Pass, Lend, Send, Serve, Show, Teach, Tell.

Veamos algunos ejemplos más:

Voz activa Voz pasiva
I bought my mother a gift. My mother was bought a gift.
She made Juan an offer. Juan was made an offer.
He taught them how to do it. They were taught how to do it.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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