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Using "You'd better" to give strong advice


Una forma de dar un consejo fuerte y de forma directa a alguien es utilizando You’d better o You had better cuando puede ocurrir algo negativo si alguien no sigue dicho consejo:

You’d better = Será mejor que… Deberías…

Diferencias con should y must

Comencemos viendo la diferencia de utilizar should y must para transmitir ideas:

  • You had better get up early tomorrow.
    • Estás diciendo que algo malo puede pasar si no te levantas temprano mañana.
  • You should get up early tomorrow.
    • Con should es un consejo personal de algo que podrías hacer.
  • You must get up early tomorrow.
    • Con must es una orden que debes hacer.

Forma afirmativa

  • You’d better use sunblock to avoid sunburns. You can’t sleep tonight!
  • He’d better study for the test, it is tomorrow!

Forma negativa

  • You’d better not go to bed late tonight. You have an interview tomorrow.
  • She’d better not eat a lot, late she could have a stomach ache.

Forma interrogativa

  • Had I better go to the bathroom before I go inside to the cinema?
  • Had you better be more patient with him?

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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