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Role Play: Emergency plan


Es momento de practicar tu reading y speaking utilizando el siguiente texto. Te recomiendo que lo hagas en voz alta para practicar tu pronunciación. Y no tengas vergüenza de grabarte y escucharte a ti mismo.

De esta manera, poco a poco irás perdiendo el miedo a hablar en Inglés e irás observando cómo mejora tu pronunciación práctica tras práctica.

Puedes usar la aplicación Vocaroo para grabar tu audio y escucharte posteriormente. ¡Que no te dé verguenza!

Emergency plan

Person 1: Absolutely! What advice were you given?
Person 2: So, in case of a heat wave, we should:
● Drink plenty of water, of course.
● Stay out of direct sunlight.
● Stay in an air-conditioned room, if possible.
● Wear loose-fitting clothing and a hat, unless you are home.
● And keep an eye on your neighbours, friends, family and pets
Person 1: Very useful information, indeed. What can we do in case of a
hurricane? They’re also common on this side of the country.
Person 2: There are many things you can do, like:
● Listen to the radio or TV for information.
● Secure your home by closing storm shutters and securing outdoor objects
or bringing them indoors.
● Close propane tanks.
● Avoid using the phone, unless there’s a serious emergency.
● Ensure a supply of water for sanitary purposes such as cleaning and
flushing toilets and,
● Find out how to keep food safe during and after an emergency.
Person 1: Wow! who shared this information with you? That person seems to be
very knowledgeable about these sorts of things.
Person 2: A friend of mine who works as a first aid trainer at the hospital gave
me a call yesterday and made me take notes of these things.
Person 1: So we’d better listen and take her advice.
Person 2: Absolutely! It’s super important! Remember the earthquake last year?
We would have died if we hadn’t learned what to do in case of an emergency like
Person 1: I know! I’m sure many people would have survived if they had known
what to do.
Person 2: Definitely! Look! The plumber is here, let’s make sure we get everything
fixed! Do you think you can help me out with the door? I need to go to the
bathroom urgently!
Person 1: Haha of course! I got it!

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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