Describing events
Live events
Sequence connectors
Listening exercise: A basketball game
Quiz: Describing events
Simple past vs. Present perfect
Differences between past simple and present perfect
Past habits
It's just happened
Writing exercise: Simple past vs. Present perfect.
Quiz: Simple past vs. Present perfect
By preposition
To preposition
Speaking exercise: Prepositions
Quiz: Prepositions
Possessive Forms
Compound pronouns: anyone, anybody, anything y anywhere
Role-play: At the stadium
Quiz: Pronouns
Comparison and preferences
(Not) Same ... as ...
Comparison and preferences
Like... better / more than...
Quiz: Comparison and preferences
State changes and suggestions
Changing situations: present continuous and verbs of state change
Suggestions and offers with "shall"
Listening exercise: Suggestions and offers
Quiz: State changes and suggestions
Quantify and qualify
A bit / A little / A few
Too / Enough
Quiz: Quantify and qualify
Definite / Indefinite / No Article
Speaking exercise: Articles
Role-play: Grocery shopping
Quiz: Articles
Congratulations and till the next time!
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Los conectores son palabras que unen una idea con otra. A su vez, los conectores de secuencia indican el orden de ciertos eventos.
Algunos conectores de secuencia son:
Lee el siguiente texto y observa los conectores de secuencia:
Rose is an upper-class woman who hates her relationship with her fiancé. One day, they go on a trip onboard a well-known ship. While sailing, she meets a poor man named Jack. They fall in love right after she threatens to jump off of the ship. They keep seeing each other, although Rose’s mother does not agree. In the end, the ship hits an iceberg and sinks. Jack dies. Eventually, Rose decides to tell this tragic love story to the world.
Escribe una pequeña descripción de alguna película o libro, utilizando varios conectores de secuencia.
Contribución creada por Andrés Guano.
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