Describing events
Live events
Sequence connectors
Listening exercise: A basketball game
Quiz: Describing events
Simple past vs. Present perfect
Differences between past simple and present perfect
Past habits
It's just happened
Writing exercise: Simple past vs. Present perfect.
Quiz: Simple past vs. Present perfect
By preposition
To preposition
Speaking exercise: Prepositions
Quiz: Prepositions
Possessive Forms
Compound pronouns: anyone, anybody, anything y anywhere
Role-play: At the stadium
Quiz: Pronouns
Comparison and preferences
(Not) Same ... as ...
Comparison and preferences
Like... better / more than...
Quiz: Comparison and preferences
State changes and suggestions
Changing situations: present continuous and verbs of state change
Suggestions and offers with "shall"
Listening exercise: Suggestions and offers
Quiz: State changes and suggestions
Quantify and qualify
A bit / A little / A few
Too / Enough
Quiz: Quantify and qualify
Definite / Indefinite / No Article
Speaking exercise: Articles
Role-play: Grocery shopping
Quiz: Articles
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Para hablar sobre situaciones o estados cambiantes se utiliza la estructura gramatical present continuous y los verbos de cambio de estado (verbs of state change).
Con la estructura gramatical present continuous, se puede expresar algo que está cambiando:
Verbs of state change son verbos que naturalmente indican que algo cambia:
Escribe cuatro oraciones acerca de situaciones que han cambiado en tu ciudad, país o en el mundo usando present continuous
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