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Things you should consider in an online or phone interview


Una entrevista de trabajo online o por teléfono tiene sus ventajas y desventajas. Veamos una serie de consejos que puedes seguir para que este tipo de reuniones sean cómodas y exitosas.

Ventajas de un trabajo remoto

  • You save time and money.
  • You might feel more comfortable in your house.
  • You can have more interviewers with international companies.

Desventajas de un trabajo remoto

  • They are more impersonal than face-to-face interviews.
  • There could be issues regarding the internet speed.
  • You might not have enough time to expand your answers.
  • If it is a phone interview you could have issues with the call or incoming calls and messages that could distract you.

Herramientas para presentar una entrevista online

  • A laptop or desktop computer.
  • Webcam.
  • Headphones with a built-in microphone.
  • Good internet connection - bandwidth speed of at least 5 Mbps.

Consejos para una entrevista de trabajo online

  • Make sure you have the link to join the meeting.
  • Sit in a quiet place where you will have privacy, no external noises, and good lighting.
  • Connect to the internet using a cable.
  • Test your audio and video setting before the interview.
  • Be on time.
  • Dress professionally, and use soft solid colors.
  • Have a neutral background.
  • Have a printed copy of your resume.
  • Close any unnecessary web browser tabs and applications.
  • Place your phone in silent mode.
  • Be calm.
  • Keep eye contact (look at the camera).
  • Don’t excuse yourself for not having used the tool before.
  • Nod to show you are engaged while you are actively listening.
  • Don’t interrupt your interviewer.
  • Speak clearly and confidently.
  • When appropriate use hand gestures and smiles.
  • If it’s a phone interview you can’t see body language so you need to work on your tone of voice.
  • Remember to thank the interviewer.

Son muchos consejos, una larga lista de cosas de las cuales tienes que estar pendiente y ocuparte para tener una buena reunión. Crea una lista de verificación con los puntos que consideres más importantes para ti y de esta forma no olvides ningún detalle al momento de la entrevista.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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