Introduction to Requests and Reflexive Pronouns
Adding information
Role play: Bumping into an old friend
I've never heard of them
You're always working!
Relative clauses
Cause and effect
Quiz: Adding information
This is surpisingly cheap!
Adverb positions
Either and neither
Practice your speaking with me!
Quiz: Adverbs
Role play: What would you do if you were me?
Requests with "will" and "would"
Is it necessary?
Asking for advice
Quiz: Requests
Useful phrases
Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns
I hope so / not
A week's holiday
Placeholders: do, does and did
Quiz: Useful phrases
Phrasal verbs
We're not dressing up, are we?
They ran out of patience
Interactive Activity: Vocabulary and Grammar
Quiz: Phrasal verbs
Till the next time!
Você não tem acesso a esta aula
Continue aprendendo! Junte-se e comece a impulsionar sua carreira
Las tag questions son preguntas usadas para confirmar algo cuya respuesta es una afirmación o negación (yes or no).
Las tag questions se forman a partir de añadir al final de una oración una etiqueta contradictoria del verbo auxiliar respectivo. Una etiqueta en negativo siempre debe estar en su forma corta (don’t, doesn’t, can’t).
Entonces, las tag questions se elaboran de la siguiente manera:
Si la oración es positiva, el tag question es negativo:
Si la oración es negativa, el tag question es positivo:
Si no identificamos el verbo auxiliar, utilizamos el auxiliar del present simple (do, does).
Existe una excepción para la regla de las tag questions, no existe una contracción negativa para el verbo am, por ende utiliza aren’t :
❌ I am ready, am not I?
✅ I am ready, aren’t I?
We are learning about tag questions, aren’t we?
You have done your homework, haven’t you?
You will finish this course, won’t you?
He doesn’t like pineapple on pizza, does he?
We haven’t finished the project, have we?
We are not going on a vacation this year, are we?
Entra en el siguiente enlace y resuelve la actividad.
Contribución creada por Andrés Guano (Platzi Contributor).
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