Useful vocabulary to express yourself
Food and meals
Rinse the rice
Pet, farm and wild animals
Clothes and fashion
Phrasal verbs for clothing
Leisure and fun
Role play: What I like the most
Quiz: Useful vocabulary to express yourself
Knowing my surroundings
Where do you live and what is it like?
People and society
Test your vocabulary
Quiz: Knowing my surroundings
Opinions, likes and dislikes
Lights, camera, action!
Play and sing along!
Social media and apps
Audio story: Waiting to see what the future holds
Quiz: Opinions, likes and dislikes
Expressing ideas, feelings and thoughts
Useful expressions for my everyday life
Future plans
Role play: Trip to NYC
Quiz: Expressing ideas, feelings and thoughts
Wrap up
Until next time
Você não tem acesso a esta aula
Continue aprendendo! Junte-se e comece a impulsionar sua carreira
Existe una gran diversidad de alimentos y comidas. Verás a continuación una lista de ellos provenientes de plantas y animales y categorizados para que puedas ampliar tu vocabulario en la cocina o en una tienda.
NOTA: Ten en cuenta que tal vez los nombres de algunos alimentos son distintos en cada país.
Seeds of grasses | Semillas de pastos |
Rice | Arroz |
Wheat | Trigo |
Corn | Maíz |
Oats | Avena |
Seeds of legumes | Semillas de legumbres |
Peas | Guisantes |
Lentils | Lentejas |
Chickpeas | Garbanzos |
Soybeans | Soja |
Seed of trees | Semillas de árboles |
Walnut | Nuez |
Almond | Almendra |
Hazelnut | Avellana |
Seeds | Semillas |
Sesame seed | Semilla de sesamo |
Sunflower seed | Semilla de girasol |
Poppy seed | Semilla de amapola |
Leaves | Hojas |
Spinach | Espinaca |
Kale | Col rizada |
Cabbage | Repollo |
Lettuce | Lechuga |
Flowers/Fruits | Flores/Frutas |
Broccoli | Brócoli |
Cauliflower | Coliflor |
Pepper | Pimiento |
Eggplant | Berenjena |
Pumpkin | Calabaza |
Zucchini | Calabacín |
Rhizomes/Tubers | Rizomas/Tubérculos |
Potato | Papa/Patata |
Cassava | Mandioca |
Turmeric | Cúrcuma |
Ginger | Jengibre |
Bulbs/Stems | Bulbas/Tallos |
Asparagus | Espárragos |
Onion | Cebolla |
Garlic | Ajo |
Celery | Apio |
Leek | Puerro |
Roots | Raices |
Carrot | Zanahoria |
Beetroot | Remolacha |
Turnip | Nabo |
Radish | Rábano |
Pods | Vainas |
Okra | Okra |
Peas | Guisantes |
String beans | Habichuelas |
Citrus | Cítricos |
Orange | Naranja |
Lime | Lima |
Grapefruit | Toronja |
Stone fruit | Fruta de piedra |
Apricot | Albaricoque |
Peach | Durazno |
Plum | Ciruela |
Tropical | Tropical |
Mangosteen | Mangostán |
Guava | Guayaba |
Kiwi | Kiwi |
Fig | Higo |
Berries | Bayas |
Strawberry | Frutilla/Fresa |
Blueberry | Arándano |
Raspberry | Frambuesa |
Mulberry | Mora |
Meat | Carne |
Beef | Carne de vaca |
Lamb | Cordera |
Pork | Cerdo |
Veal | Ternera |
Goat | Cabra |
Sausage | Embutido |
Cow | Vaca |
Goat | Cabra |
Poultry | Aves de corral |
Chicken | Pollo |
Hen | Gallina |
Turkey | Pavo |
Duck | Pato |
Ostrich | Avestruz |
Fish | Pescados |
Tuna | Atún |
Salmon | Salmon |
Trout | Trucha |
Sardine | Sardina |
Hake | Merluza |
Anchovy | Anchoa |
Seafood | Mariscos |
Crab | Cangrejo |
Lobster | Langosta |
Oyster | Ostra |
Shrimp | Camarón |
Clam | Almeja |
Scallop | Vieira |
Veamos vocabulario para describir a los alimentos:
Flavors | Sabores |
Sweet | Dulce |
Salty | Salado |
Bitter | Amargo |
Sour | Agrio |
Spicy | Picante |
Savory | Sabroso |
Texture | Textura |
Crunchy and crispy | Crujiente y crocante |
Tough and chewy | Duro y masticable |
Slimy | Baboso |
Juicy | Jugoso |
Greasy | Grasiento |
Adjective | Adjetivo |
Delicious | Delicioso |
Fresh | Fresco |
Yummy | Delicioso |
Mouth-watering | Agua en al boca |
Adjective | Adjetivo |
Awful | Horrible |
Terrible | Terrible |
Yucky | Asqueroso |
Revolting | Repugnante |
Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.
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