Useful vocabulary to express yourself
Food and meals
Rinse the rice
Pet, farm and wild animals
Clothes and fashion
Phrasal verbs for clothing
Leisure and fun
Role play: What I like the most
Quiz: Useful vocabulary to express yourself
Knowing my surroundings
Where do you live and what is it like?
People and society
Test your vocabulary
Quiz: Knowing my surroundings
Opinions, likes and dislikes
Lights, camera, action!
Play and sing along!
Social media and apps
Audio story: Waiting to see what the future holds
Quiz: Opinions, likes and dislikes
Expressing ideas, feelings and thoughts
Useful expressions for my everyday life
Future plans
Role play: Trip to NYC
Quiz: Expressing ideas, feelings and thoughts
Wrap up
Until next time
Você não tem acesso a esta aula
Continue aprendendo! Junte-se e comece a impulsionar sua carreira
¿En dónde vives? Comencemos conociendo nuevo vocabulario del entorno que te rodea en tu hogar.
Casa o departamento ¿En cuál prefieres vivir?
House | Casa |
Cottage | Cabaña |
Bungalow | Bungalow |
Chalet | Chalet |
Cabin | Cabina |
Villa | Villa |
Apartment | Apartamentos |
Loft | Desván |
Duplex | Dúplex |
Penhouse | Ático |
Buildings | Edificios |
High-rise | Alto |
Skyscraper | Rascacielos |
Diferencia los ambientes de tu hogar y descríbelos de manera positiva o negativa.
Parts of your house | Partes de tu casa |
Bedroom | Dormitorio |
Bathroom | Baño |
Kitchen | Cocina |
Living room | Sala de estart |
Dining room | Comedor |
Nursery | Guardería |
Garage | Garaje |
Porch | Porche |
Office | Oficina |
Garden/Backyard | Jardín/Patio trasero |
Rooftop | Techo |
Laundry room | Cuarto de lavado |
Attic | Ático |
Basement | Sótano |
Positive description | Descripción positiva |
Spacious | Espacioso |
Cozy | Acogedor |
Convenient | Conveniente |
Warm | Cálido |
Negative description | Descripción negativa |
Cramped | Estrecho |
Dark | Oscuro |
Drafty | Abierto a corrientes de aire |
Noisy | Ruidoso |
Messy | Sucio |
¿Ayudas en tu hogar con los quehaceres domésticos?
Chores | Quehaceres |
Do the laundry | Lavar la ropa |
Set the table | Poner la mesa |
Make the bed | Hacer la cama |
Dust the furniture | Sacudir los muebles |
Mop the floor | Trapear el piso |
Wash the dishes | Lavar los platos |
Throw the garbage out | Tirar la basura |
Put things away | Guardar las cosas |
Mow the lawn | Cortar el césped |
Sweep the floor | Barrer el piso |
Y tú, ¿Cómo describirías con este nuevo vocabulario tu hogar?
Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.
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