Useful vocabulary to express yourself
Food and meals
Rinse the rice
Pet, farm and wild animals
Clothes and fashion
Phrasal verbs for clothing
Leisure and fun
Role play: What I like the most
Quiz: Useful vocabulary to express yourself
Knowing my surroundings
Where do you live and what is it like?
People and society
Test your vocabulary
Quiz: Knowing my surroundings
Opinions, likes and dislikes
Lights, camera, action!
Play and sing along!
Social media and apps
Audio story: Waiting to see what the future holds
Quiz: Opinions, likes and dislikes
Expressing ideas, feelings and thoughts
Useful expressions for my everyday life
Future plans
Role play: Trip to NYC
Quiz: Expressing ideas, feelings and thoughts
Wrap up
Until next time
Você não tem acesso a esta aula
Continue aprendendo! Junte-se e comece a impulsionar sua carreira
Ya sabes qué ponerte dependiendo la estación del año y cómo describir la ropa. Veamos a continuación vocabulario apropiado a la hora de utilizar la vestimenta.
Phrasal verbs | Significado |
Put on | Ponerse (la ropa) |
Take off | Quitarse (la ropa) |
Dress up | Vestirse |
Try on | Probarse (la ropa) |
Hang up | Colgar (la ropa) |
Wrap up | Envolverse (ponerse mucha ropa) |
Zip up | Cerrar (el cierre de una chaqueta) |
Veamos algunos ejemplos utilizando estas frases:
¿Cómo describirías una situación donde debas vestirte para ir a una fiesta de cumpleaños en verano? ¿Y en invierno?
Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.
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