Useful vocabulary to express yourself
Food and meals
Rinse the rice
Pet, farm and wild animals
Clothes and fashion
Phrasal verbs for clothing
Leisure and fun
Role play: What I like the most
Quiz: Useful vocabulary to express yourself
Knowing my surroundings
Where do you live and what is it like?
People and society
Test your vocabulary
Quiz: Knowing my surroundings
Opinions, likes and dislikes
Lights, camera, action!
Play and sing along!
Social media and apps
Audio story: Waiting to see what the future holds
Quiz: Opinions, likes and dislikes
Expressing ideas, feelings and thoughts
Useful expressions for my everyday life
Future plans
Role play: Trip to NYC
Quiz: Expressing ideas, feelings and thoughts
Wrap up
Until next time
Você não tem acesso a esta aula
Continue aprendendo! Junte-se e comece a impulsionar sua carreira
Continuemos con vocabulario avanzado relacionado con fauna y animales.
Seguro ya conoces muchos animales, pero… ¿Conoces en profundidad sus razas o tipos en Inglés?
Dogs | Perros |
French bulldog | Bulldog francés |
Pug | Doguillo |
Dalmatian | Dálmata |
Cats | Gatos |
Persian | Persa |
Siamese | Siamés |
Sphynx | Esfinge |
Rodents | Roedores |
Hamster | Hámster |
Guinea pig | Conejillo de indias |
Fish | Pescados |
Goldfish | Pez dorado |
Betta fish | Pez Betta |
Angelfish | Pez ángel |
Birds | Pajaros |
Canary | Canario |
Parrot | Loro |
Cockatiel | Cacatúa |
Reptiles | Reptiles |
Lizard | Lagartija |
Snake | Víbora |
Others | Otros |
Rabbits | Conejo |
Ferret | Hurón |
Farm animals | Animales de granja |
Cow | Vaca |
Bull | Toro |
Buffalo | Búfalo |
Calf | Becerro |
Chicken | Pollo |
Hen | Gallina |
Turkey | Pavo |
Ostrich | Avestruz |
Chick | Polluelo |
Horse | Caballo |
Mare | Yegua |
Foal | Potro |
Pony | Poni |
Donkey | Burro |
Goose | Ganso |
Duck | Pato |
Swan | Cisne |
Pig | Cerdo |
Boar | Jabalí |
Goat | Cabra |
Sheep | Oveja |
Lamb | Cordero |
Los animales salvajes son aquellos que no pueden vivir en una casa, deben estar en su hábitat natural.
Wild Animals | Animales Salvajes |
Gorilla | Gorilla |
Baboon | Babuino |
Chimpanzee | Chimpancé |
Anaconda | Anaconda |
Python | Pitón |
Cobra | Cobra |
Lion | León |
Tiger | Tigre |
Cheetah | Leopardo |
Panther | Pantera |
Puma | Puma |
Giraffe | Jirafa |
Zebra | Zebra |
Elephant | Elefante |
Deer | Ciervo |
Hippo | Hipopótamo |
Bear | Oso |
Rhino | Rinoceronte |
Crocodile | Cocodrilo |
Kangaroo | Canguro |
Wolf | Lobo |
Fox | Zorro |
Hyena | Hiena |
Penguin | Pingüino |
Otter | Nutria |
Seal | Foca |
Sealion | León marino |
Walrus | Morsa |
Whale | Ballena |
Dolphin | Delfín |
Shark | Tiburón |
Jellyfish | Medusa |
Squid | Calamar |
Podemos categorizar a los animales dependiendo su alimentación:
Feeding | Alimentación |
Herbivores | Herbívoros |
Frugivores | Frugívoros |
Granivores | Granívoros |
Nectivores | Nectívoros |
Folivores | Folívoros |
Carnivores | Carnívoros |
Omnivores | Omnívoros |
¿Qué animales conoces que formen parte de cada una de estas categorías?
Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.
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