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É muito importante sempre fazer Follow Up das reuniões! Assim a gente não só garante a formalização da conversa e da decisão tomada na negociação, mas também que todo mundo entendeu corretamente o outcome. É uma garantia de que a equipe está alinhada!

Hi, there! I’m back with great news!

After a month of negotiation, I’m happy to announce that we are almost closing the deal with @Fulano. It’s a great opportunity for both of us and I’m sure the results will be amazing!

We are hiring @Fulano to speak at the #Conference at Africa, and our investment will be:

  • $50k of payment
  • 1st class plane tickets

In the deal it is included:

  • 50 minutes of speaking
  • Social media posts (we still didn’t closed how many of them, but we have a meeting with his Marketing team next week to set those details)

Thank you all for being part of this process! Please reach me if you have any questions or anything else to add. It will be my pleasure to help!


Janaina Cicari
My Title At The Company Who Hired Fulano

Obrigada #EnglishAcademy pelo inglês nosso de cada dia 🤣

O papo sobre cordialidade me lembrou o Homem Cordial que Sergio Buarque de Hollanda formula na obra Raízes do Brasil.
A cordialidade intrínseca do brasileiro pode ser usada a nosso favor nos negócios internacionais? 🤔