Future Perfect Passive & Hypothetical situations
Future Perfect Passive
Discussing a future project
Third Conditional and a Review of Other Conditionals
Sequence of events
Hypothetical situations with Past Simple
Hypothetical situations with Past Perfect
Quiz: Future Perfect Passive & Hypothetical situations
Formal and informal English
One should always do one's best
Giving reasons with since
No matter
Should as a conditional
Monologue "New Job"
Quiz: Formal and informal English
Reports, beliefs and comments
Reporting beliefs and impersonal comments
Imminent events
Adding information
Subject-verb inversion
Roleplay: Platzi News
Quiz: Reports, beliefs and comments
Cleft Sentences
Hypothetical situations using ‘only if’
Cleft sentences in Past, Present and, Future
Questions using complement clauses with is it/was it
Quiz: Cleft Sentences
Course Outcomes
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Es momento de practicar tus English Skills y poner a prueba todo lo aprendido en las últimas clases de este curso. Aprovecha este tipo de clases para practicar lectura y pronunciación de las palabras.
En el idioma inglés, el usual orden de las palabras es “Subject + Verb + Complement”. Identifica en el siguiente texto la inversión de sujeto y verbo.
Jess: Welcome to Platzi News, where you know what’s happening in the world from the most talented journalists. There’s a lot going on in China with the recent regulation. It is said by BBC news that online gamers under the age of 18 will only be allowed to play for an hour on Fridays, weekends, and holidays. Let’s now pass the mic to Carol Boquin, our journalist correspondent in Beijing.
Carol: Thank you, Jess. It was said by The National Press and Publication Administration that game-playing would be only allowed between 8 pm to 9 pm. Additionally. It is believed that The move reflects a long-running concern about the impact of excessive gaming on the young. Back to you, Jess.
Jess: Interesting, Carol. No sooner had they shared this news than young people started to organize local protests. Let’s see what happens in the next couple of days. In other news, a Twelve-year-old boy makes £290,000 from whale NFTs. Ana Gonzalez, our journalist correspondent in London, has more details.
Ana: That’s correct, Jess. A 12-year-old boy from London has made about £290,000 during the school holidays, after creating a series of pixelated artworks called Weird Whales and selling non-fungible tokens (NFTs). It is said that Benjamin Ahmed is keeping his earnings in the form of Ethereum, the cryptocurrency, in which they were sold. Back to you in the studio, Jess.
Jess: Thanks, Ana. I must admit that I was on the point of buying one of those Weird Whales, not only because I’ve always wanted to have an NFT, but also because I like the concept. Unfortunately, they were sold out already.
Jess: Join us next time at Platzi news, where you know what’s happening in the world from the most talented journalists.
La inversión de sujeto y verbo cambia por completo la estructura gramatical de lo que conocemos en inglés. Es súper importante conocer y practicar esta nueva gramática para estar mejor preparado para la lectura de textos avanzados.
Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino (Platzi Contributor).
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