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Discussing a future project


Practicar cada competencia en inglés, la lectura, escritura, escucha y el habla, cada día es vital para mejorar tu nivel en el idioma. Es momento de hacer una pausa y practicar tu lectura.

Práctica de lectura

Cuando leas un texto, hazlo en voz alta para también practicar la pronunciación de las palabras. Nuestra cabeza puede engañarnos y hacernos creer que nuestra pronunciación es muy buen si leemos mentalmente, por eso es crucial que practiques continuamente la pronunciación de cada palabra.

En el siguiente texto, Andrew y Ravee se encuentran planificando un gran evento. ¿Puedes encontrar los puntos de la conversación donde se utiliza el Futuro Perfecto?

  • Andrew: Hi Ravee! Are you ready for our meeting?
  • Ravee: Hey Andrew! Sure, let’s do it!
  • Andrew: Alright, as you know, this is going to be our biggest event of the year. It is important that we communicate that with all our existing customers.
  • Ravee: Definitely. All the marketing material will have been posted on our social media channels in time for the event.
  • Andrew: Excellent! And what about the invitations for our B2B clients? And their accommodation for the event?
  • Ravee: Yeah! The operations team is on it. Invitations will have been delivered by the end of this week. Same for their accommodations. It will have been taken care of by early next week.
  • Andrew: Wow! Looks like we are looking good! What about the menus for lunch and dinner?
  • Ravee: Yes, I am talking with Maria about this and menus will have been decided before invitations are sent. That way, we can include a copy of the menu with their invitation.
  • Andrew: Ok. And I am worried about the merchandise for this event. I haven’t seen any samples until now. Do we have time for getting them ready before the event?
  • Ravee: Yeah, you’re right. I am a bit worried about that as well. But I have a plan. I am working with design and samples will have been confirmed before the event.
  • Andrew: So, we can expect to see a sample by the end of next week, right?
  • Ravee: Yeah, it will have been completed by that time.
  • Andrew: Ok, so, moving on to the next point. What about the actual venue? Do we have a confirmation of the capacity?
  • Ravee: Yes, we do. We are good for up to 600 people. We are expecting around 400, so it should be fine.
  • Andrew: Ok, that’s good news. And do you know who is going to be the host and main speakers at the event?
  • Ravee: Yes, we have confirmed the host, it’s Jhon! And our main speakers will have been decided before we send out the invitations, so a list can be included with them.

Unos minutos al día practicando cada English Skill hará que tu nivel de inglés mejore lentamente. Solo se requiere de constancia y disciplina.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino (Platzi Contributor).

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