Vacation time
Adjectives + Prepositions combinations
Questions: countable and uncountable nouns
Irregular adverbs
Adverbs and adverbial position phrases + Role play "Vacation Time"
Quiz: Vacation time
Visiting Brazil
Predictions about the future
"By" and nouns
Adjectives ending in "ed" and "ing"
Practicing using adjectives
Role play: "Visiting Brazil"
Grammar Summary: Modules 1 and 2
Quiz: Visiting Brazil
Lets go on a boat trip!
Comparisons with Short Adjectives
How to use present continuous
"In" as a preposition of time
Results and consequences
Role play: "Let's go on a boat trip"
Quiz: Lets go on a boat trip!
Traditions, celebrations and gifts
"Wh-" subject questions
Expressing spontaneous offers and decisions
Role play "Traditions, celebrations and gifts"
Grammar Summary: Modules 3 and 4
Quiz: Traditions, celebrations and gifts
Course outcomes
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Ana Karina González
La palabra so sirve para unir una idea que es resultado o consecuencia de otra.
Acción: He’s hungry.
Consecuencia: He ate a chicken sandwich.
Oración completa: He’s hungry, so he ate a chicken sandwich.
Acción: The weather isn’t very nice.
Consecuencia: We decided not to go camping.
Oración completa: The weather isn’t very nice, so we decided not to go camping.
Acción: She lost the key.
Consecuencia: She couldn’t get into her room.
Oración completa: She lost the key, so she couldn’t get into her room.
Completa las siguientes oraciones con una posible consecuencia. ¡Comparte tu trabajo en la sección de aportes!
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