Between vs. among
Prepositional vs. phrasal verbs
Interactive quiz
Quiz: Prepositions
Denying and asking for permission
Passive with going to and will
Hope and aspiration
Probability in the near future
Role play: Spring break
Quiz: Future
It's easy, isnt it?
Whether and if
Reporting past questions
Quiz: Questions
Quiz: Conjugations
Prefixes and Suffixes
Prefixes with nouns
How much do you know about prefixes?
Increasing the meaning of adjectives
Role play: Business meeting
Quiz: Prefixes and Suffixes
Verbs, Adjectives & Nouns
Compound adjectives
Forming verbs from adjectives and nouns
The best book I have read
Quiz: Verbs, Adjectives & Nouns
Relative clauses
I decided what I’m going to do
Role play: Career move
Course Outcomes
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Continue aprendendo! Junte-se e comece a impulsionar sua carreira
Ahora aprenderás a escribir y reportar preguntas en pasado. En caso de expresar que alguien te realizó una pregunta ten en cuenta el tiempo verbal de la pregunta y no el texto de manera literal.
Estructura: Emisor + asked + receptor + mensaje.
Si la pregunta está conjugada de la forma present simple, entonces, para transmitir el mensaje a alguien más, deberás conjugarla en la forma past simple.
Original question: How much do you earn? (He asked me)
Reported question: He asked me how much I earned.
Si la pregunta está conjugada de la forma past simple. Entonces, para transmitir el mensaje a alguien más, deberás conjugarla en la forma past perfect simple.
Original question: What did you do yesterday? (Jhon asked my friend)
Reported question: Jhon asked my friend what he had done yesterday.
Original question: Why do you like cars so much?
Reported question: She asked me why I liked cars so much.
Original question: Why did she wake up so early in the morning?
Reported question: He asked me why she had woken up so early.
Original question: When is your birthday?
Reported question: He asked me when my birthday was.
Original question: How long were they there?
Reported question: He asked me how long they had been there.
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Contribución creada por Andrés Guano.
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