Fechas y horas en Inglés
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Practica tu "listening"
Quiz: Fechas y horas en Inglés
Preguntas básicas en Inglés
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Palabras interrogativas en Inglés
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Quiz: Preguntas básicas en Inglés
Expresiones Ăştiles en el presente simple
Diferencia entre "have" y "have got"
CĂłmo usar "want" y "would like"
Practica tu "listening"
Vocabulario esencial en el presente simple
CĂłmo usar "can" y "can't"
Practica el uso de "can" y "can't"
"'s" para posesivos en Inglés
Diferencias entre "there is" y "there are"
Practica el uso de "There is" y "There are"
Pronombres de sujeto y objeto en inglés
Quiz: Vocabulario esencial en el presente simple
Otros usos del presente simple en Inglés
Roleplay en inglés: Realiza compras
Presente simple y presente continuo en Inglés
Expresa gustos, desagrados y opiniones en Inglés
Practica tu "reading" y "writing"
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Las expresiones have y have got poseen el mismo significado: tener.
Have es solo un poco más formal que have got, pero ambas son correctas.
Los principales usos de estas expresiones son:
I have a car
I have got a car / I’ve got a car
I have two brothers
I have got two brothers / I’ve got two brothers
She has a headache
She has got a headache / She’s got a headache
He has blue eyes
He has got blue eyes /He’s got blue eyes
Ahora bien, es importante señalar que el uso de estas expresiones poseen diferentes tratamientos en las oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas. Esto se puede visualizar en la siguiente imagen:

La estructura gramatical es la siguiente:
I / You / We / They + have + Complement
He / She / It + has + Complement
I / You / We / They + have got + Complement
He / She / It + has got + Complement
Por ejemplo:
I have a new job | I have got a new job |
You have a toothache | You have got a toothache |
He has brown hair | He has got brown hair |
She has a sister | She has got a sister |
It has four rooms | It has got four rooms |
You have a pet | You have got a pet |
We have English homework | We have got English homework |
They have many toys | They have got many toys |
La estructura gramatical de las oraciones negativas es:
I / You / We / They + don’t have + complement
He / She / It + doesn’t have + complement
I / You / We / They + haven’t got + complement
He / She / It + hasn’t got + complement
Por ejemplo:
I don’t have a new job | I haven’t got a new job |
You don’t have a toothache | You haven’t got a toothache |
He doesn’t have brown hair | He hasn’t got brown hair |
She doesn’t have a sister | She hasn’t got a sister |
It doesn’t have four rooms | It hasn’t got four rooms |
You don’t have a pet | You haven’t got a pet |
We don’t have English homework | We haven’t got English homework |
They don’t have many toys | They haven’t got many toys |
La estructura gramatical de las oraciones interrogativas es:
Do + I / You / We / They + have + complement + ?
Does + He / She / It + have + complement + ?
Have + I / You / We / They + got + complement + ?
Has + He / She / It + got + complement + ?
Por ejemplo:
Do I have a new job? | Have I got a new job? |
Do you have a toothache? | Have you got a toothache? |
Does he have brown hair? | Has he got brown hair? |
Does she have a sister? | Has she got a sister? |
Does it have four rooms? | Has it got four rooms? |
Do you have a pet? | Have you got a pet? |
Do we have English homework? | Have we got English homework? |
Do they have many toys? | Have they got many toys? |
Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez.
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