A assinatura Platzi Expert dá acesso a mais de 100 cursos focado em te preparar para os trabalhos com maior demanda na indústria detecnologia.
A assinatura Platzi Expert dá acesso a mais de 100 cursos focado em te preparar para os trabalhos com maior demanda na indústria detecnologia.
Jaime José Durán is a psychologist, with a Master's degree in Education. He has worked in the field of teaching English since 2006 and in 2010 he was certified as an English teacher through the CELTA (Certificate of English Teaching for Adults), endorsed by the University of Cambridge. Jaime enjoys traveling, has a great interest in cultures and lives in Bogotá. He will be inviting you to use the course discussion board so you can interact.
Comece a estudar e garanta seu futuro, Platzi é a estratégia de aprendizado constante de milhares de profissionais de tecnologia.