Lina Carrascal

English Teacher


A assinatura Platzi Expert dá acesso a mais de 100 cursos focado em te preparar para os trabalhos com maior demanda na indústria detecnologia.

Curso ministrado

Workshop de Inglês Básico A1: Descrição de Membros da Família

Workshop de Inglês Básico A1: Descrição de Membros da Família

Lina has a degree in Modern Languages ​​and also has a master's degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. Her English learning process began autonomously since she was very young, her interest in this second language allowed her to learn differently from the courses of her time. She has worked in teaching English as a second language since 2016, focusing on teaching youth and adults.

Additionally, she has worked as a freelance translator in different projects with different companies and individuals.

Her hobbies include traveling and reading. Reading is a great tool to stay in constant contact with a second language.


English teacher
English Teacher
Universidad Santo Tomás Villavicencio
English Teacher
Eurocentres Colombia


Enseñanza Superior

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Comece a estudar e garanta seu futuro, Platzi é a estratégia de aprendizado constante de milhares de profissionais de tecnologia.

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O preço nunca aumentará enquanto você mantiver a sua assinatura ativa.