Elena Di Giovanna

English Teacher


A assinatura Platzi Expert dá acesso a mais de 100 cursos focado em te preparar para os trabalhos com maior demanda na indústria detecnologia.

Elena completed her professional studies as a social worker and has a master's degree in community and international development, specializing in the fields of child protection and childhood, managing the emotional behavior of children and adolescents in the educational area of ​​the public sector.

She was born in Bogotá, Colombia, however, from a very young age she lived in the United States. Due to the above, Elena has native English skills. Currently, she is passionate about helping other people increase their English proficiency, using tools that facilitate learning.

Continue your adventure learning this language with Elena and raise your level with her English courses.


English Teacher
Wall Street English



O que você está esperando?

Comece a estudar e garanta seu futuro, Platzi é a estratégia de aprendizado constante de milhares de profissionais de tecnologia.

Opiniões dos estudantes

Assine e melhore o seu futuro profissional

O preço nunca aumentará enquanto você mantiver a sua assinatura ativa.