Body parts
Conversation: People talking about an accident
Image: Vocabulary about parts of the body
Grammar: Questions in past continuous
Exercise: Complete the sentences
Personalization: Writing exercise
Reading: What to do before and after a workout
Ways of cominucating
Conversation: People talking about ways of communicating
Image: Adjectives to describe ways of communicating
Grammar: Comparative and superlative adjectives (better, worse, efficient, slow, faster, quicker, powerful)
Exercise: Complete the sentences
Personalization: Speaking
Reading: Ways of communicating
Phone Language
Image: Phone Expressions
Conversation: Phone language
Grammar: More, less, fewer (Emails, calls, messages, )
Exercise: Complete the sentences
Personalization: Writing exercise
Reading: Ways of effective communication
Describing People
Conversation: Talking about peoples appereance
Image: Features
Grammar: Have got and how to describe people
Exercise: Complete the sentences
Personalization: Speaking exercise
Plans for the future
Image: Two people talking about the future
Image: Plans for the future
Grammar: Future with Will, May and might
Exercise: Complete the sentences
Personalization: Writing exercise
Job Positions
Conversation: Talking about jobs
Grammar: Present tense verbs with future meaning
Personalization: Writing exercise
Exercise: Simple Present with Future Meaning
Paula Becerra
Read the text and answer the questions at the end.
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