Sebastián Delmont

Dean of Computing and Technology at Platzi


A assinatura Platzi Expert dá acesso a mais de 100 cursos focado em te preparar para os trabalhos com maior demanda na indústria detecnologia.

Curso ministrado

Sebastián first learned English by watching movies and reading programming and sci-fi books. Then he started a career of over 30 years as a Software Developer and Entrepreneur that took him to New York City where he has lived since 2001.

He is currently the Dean of Computing & Technology at Platzi, but in the past he has had multiple engineering roles in companies involved in areas as varied as Agriculture, Real Estate marketplaces and Medical software, and has given a large number of talks in both in English and Spanish.

His most important achievement in life is being the official author of the 🫓 emoji.


Dean of Computing and Technology


Web Developing

O que você está esperando?

Comece a estudar e garanta seu futuro, Platzi é a estratégia de aprendizado constante de milhares de profissionais de tecnologia.

Assine e melhore o seu futuro profissional

O preço nunca aumentará enquanto você mantiver a sua assinatura ativa.