Ana Karina González



A assinatura Platzi Expert dá acesso a mais de 100 cursos focado em te preparar para os trabalhos com maior demanda na indústria detecnologia.

Cursos ministrados

Ana Karina was in charge of developing communication and collaboration strategies that fostered the interaction of the members of the Language Program of the Laureate University Network.

Implemented communication campaigns focused on monitoring customer satisfaction levels, promotion of new products and services. She was in charge of the internal and external commercial communications of the Laureate Language Program in the Communities of Practice for universities in Chile and Mexico.

Her excellent professional relationships and the reports of her internal and external clients, allowed her to represent the company and the program in more than 5 countries in Latin America at international conferences. She has managed to develop a high capacity for research, maintaining attention to detail, focusing on achieving achievements and goals, in order to provide the best experience for his clients.

She really enjoys doing outdoor exercise like biking and walking. She regularly attends virtual group exercise classes. She really likes going out to dance, eat and have coffee with friends, as well as do internal tourism in her country: Honduras. One of her great passions is traveling.


Course Director
Laureate Languages Communication Manager
Laureate international univsersities
Public Relationships National Lead
Universidad Tecnologica Centroamericana UNITEC


International Relations

O que você está esperando?

Comece a estudar e garanta seu futuro, Platzi é a estratégia de aprendizado constante de milhares de profissionais de tecnologia.

Opiniões dos estudantes

Assine e melhore o seu futuro profissional

O preço nunca aumentará enquanto você mantiver a sua assinatura ativa.