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Rules and Instructions Role Play


Es momento de practicar tu lectura y comprensión. En el siguiente texto encontrarás una conversación entre un nuevo chef en un restaurante y su jefe en la cocina. ¿Podrás identificar qué acciones está prohibido hacer en la cocina?

Role play: conversación sobre reglas e instrucciones

Andres Head Chef (Mike): Welcome! Are you the new chef?
Sous Chef (Diego): Yes, my name’s Diego. Glad to meet you. And your name?
HC (Mike): The name’s Mike.
SC (Diego): It’s nice to meet you.
HC (Mike): Same here. Let me tell you about the rules of the restaurant. Let’s talk about what you can’t do.
SC (Diego): Yes, let’s begin.
HC (Mike): You are not allowed to wear casual clothes, and you must wear the chef’s jacket. Also, it is forbidden to smoke in the restaurant. You are not allowed to have your hair loose, and you have to wear a hair net. You are also forbidden to take food or ingredients home, or to give them away.
SC (Diego): Ok, but am I allowed to eat the same food I cook at my lunch break?
HC (Mike): Oh yes, you are allowed to do that. No problem.
SC (Diego): Nice. And, am I forbidden to listen to music?
HC (Mike): Unfortunately, you are. We do not want chefs getting distracted and causing an accident or delays. You are also forbidden to start cooking or preparing food without washing your hands.
SC (Diego): That’s sensible. Am I allowed to use hand sanitizer and a face mask?
HC (Mike): Of course you are. Not only allowed to, but encouraged to.
SC (Diego): Thanks very much.
HC (Mike): Let’s move onto…

También puede aprovechar el texto anterior para practicar tu pronunciación leyendo en voz alta. Que no te dé vergüenza grabarte a ti mismo y escucharte. De esa forma, podrás mejorar poco a poco tu pronunciación del idioma.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino (Platzi Contributor).

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