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How to ask questions to understand tasks and requirements


Hacer las preguntas correctas es útil para entender tareas o requerimientos. Indagar sobre un tema específico permite obtener información de calidad.

Tipos de preguntas

Existen varios tipos de preguntas. Aprende a identificar el más apropiado para cada ocasión.

  • Closed questions: Questions that can be answered by a simple “yes” or “no”.
  • Open questions: A question that requires a developed answer.
  • Probing questions: Typically open-ended questions in which the answers are primarily subjective.
  • Leading questions: Questions elaborated to suggest the proper or the desired answer.
  • Loaded questions: Questions that contain a controversial assumption, they are complex questions since they can be tricky.
  • Funnel questions: it is a technique that involves starting with general questions, and then making a more specific point in each question.
  • Recall and process questions: They are open response-style questions that make you remember something so it required deeper thought.
  • Rhetorical questions: Questions that someone asks without expecting an answer.

Los 5 “por qué”

Es una de las técnicas más simples y poderosas para obtener información detallada sobre cualquier tema.

  • It is an iterative interrogation technique that allows exploring the cause-and-effect relationships underlying a particular issue. It helps determine the root cause of a problem by repeating 5 times the question “Why…?”
  • After the first question, each question is based on the previous answer.

A quién preguntar

No es lo mismo realizar una pregunta técnica a un gerente de proyectos que a un desarrollador. Es importante considerar a quién realizar las preguntas correctas.

  • Make sure you ask the right person to obtain what you need (information, approvals, or permissions).
  • To do this you need to know the role and responsibilities of each of your colleagues.

Recuerda elegir el tipo de preguntas para indagar sobre un tema e identificar a quién realizar dichas preguntas.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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